1. More templates may become available as more are created by WAM and other clients. If you have created your own, and are willing to submit your format for others, please feel free to submit them to Tech Support.
2. These are only samples. They will need customizations once you have decided which to use (your logo, colors, links). We would be happy to make these customizations for you. Just email Tech Support with the information and the changes you would like and we will do the rest. If needed, we can create an entirely new one for you (additional cost).
3. Please understand that much of this is not regular function of our Technical Support. Our staff is limited to creating your customizations, setting them up to be emailed and training you how to send an HTML-formatted email from our software. Should any formatting issues arise from various email receipients, our staff is limited in the assistance we can provide to resolve the issue. All of the emails below have been tested, by us, and are known to be in good working order.
4. There are websites which allow you to create HTML emails, free of charge, as well as host the images. One such website is BeeFree.io. You may sign up for a free account and are able to create a limited number of emails. We've found this service to be the best, since it limits the html file to 5mb. If you use MS Word to create the exact file, it would be drastically larger and will not work.